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BLUE BUTTERFLY PEA TEA HEALTH BENEFITS / சங்கு பூ மருத்துவ பயன்கள்.

BLUE BUTTERFLY PEA TEA HEALTH BENEFITS Blue butterfly pea OR SANGU PUSHPAM IN TAMIL is a medicinal herb that has wonderful health benefits and medicinal uses.

CLITORIA TERNATEA is one of the traditional medicinal plants used as “SHANGA PUSHPI” used to boost or enhance Neurological health. It also helps to improve the hair growth and very good for Type 2 diabetic patients as it helps reduce blood glucose level. Its impressive nutritional profile of blue tea makes it a wonderful weight loss beverage ,as well as Refreshing drink to cool the body ,when served chilled. WHAT IS BLUE BUTTERFLY PEA: CLITORIA TERNATEA, commonly known as blue pea, butterfly pea,is a plant species belonging to the family FABACEAE. In India , it is revered as a holy flower, used in daily Puja Rituals. The flowers of this were imagined to have the shape of HUMAN “FEMALE GENETALIS”. PLANT DESCRIPTION: AS a legume ,its roots form a symbiotic association with soil bacteria known as RHIZOBIA ,Which transform atmospheric N2 into a plant – usable form ,Therefore ,this plant is also used to improve soil quality through the decomposition of nitrogen rich material. All parts of the plant including the leaves ,seeds, roots, and flowers have medicinal properties.

BLUE BUTTERFLY PEA TEA NUTRIENTS: Blue butterfly flowers pea amount of ash 50gm, calcium-0.8gm, magnesium 0.6gm pottasium0.5gm, zinc0.3gm and minerals too this tea is also full of antioxidants. WHAT IS BLUE TEA: Blue tea is a caffeine –free herbal concoction , made by seeping dried or fresh leaves of the clitoria ternatea plant.The best thing about the blue tea is that it is absolutely caffine free tea. Herbal teas have lot of takers nowdays , as more and more people come to know about the potential side effects of caffeinated drinks like regular tea and coffee.A number of herbal teas have made their mark on tea lovers across the world, including those made from flowers like blue tea. Dried blue pea flowers yield a brew that is stunning in colour and that can be enjoyed cold or hot. It contains significant amounts of the CATECHINE EGCG- EPIGALLOCATECHIN GALLAATO, As well as hosts of anti-inflammatory and immune –boosting compounds such as Alkaloid, flavonoids, Tannins, and polyohenols. ANTHOCYANIN Present in the flower it acting as a antioxidants and fighting free radicals, anthocyanins may offer anti-viral, anti cancer benefits. HOW TO MAKE BLUE TEA: The receipe to whip up a cup of blue tea is quite simple , just boil some blue tea flower petals,in water 5-10 minutes .Add some honey to this herbal concoction and serve warm before meal. Is has a very subtle earthy tatste. This is due to presence of flavonoids in the flowers .This tea has a soothing effect on our stomach and helps to treat stomach ulcer .The whole plant extract has been used for treating ulcers traditionally but the tea made with the flowers also has anti ulcer properties.

The earthy flavour of butterfly –pea flower tea is said to be a mood enhancer.The tea balance the brain chemicals i.e.Neurotransmitters and ups the secretion of dopamine which in turn keeps the serotonin level under control is said to have stress busting effects that may also help reduce symptoms of anxiety.BLUE Colour activate the AJNA CHAKRA (Third Eye) Improve memory retension then increases the Acetylcholine content and acetylcholinesterase activity in the different regions of the brain. Viz ..cerebral ,cerebellum.It helps keep you energized and happy throughout the day. The tea is rich in antioxidants, which makes it a great beverage to include in your detox diet, especially in summer .Antioxidants protect the body against free radical action. Free radicals are harmful substances which can damage healthy cells in the body. Drinking cup of blue tea once or twice a week on an empty stomach flushes out toxins accumulated in the system and vastly improves digestive health. Sipping on a cup of piping hot blue tea daily works wonders in avoiding sudden spikes in blood sugar levels, besides facilitating smooth digestion processes in those with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, The abundant reserves of phenolic acid, phenolic amide antioxidants in blue tea portray significant anti hyperglycemic effcts, improving insulin secretion, Regulating glucose metabolism and prevent excess absorption of sugars by body cells, both while fasting and post consuming meals. The richness of proanthocyanidin complexes in blue tea makes it refreshing ,delightful and nutritious beverage for enhancing eyesight. Thanks to the storehouse of anti inflammatory and analgesic i.e. pain relieving traits in blue tea ,it delivers note worthy merits for lowering the discomfort, redness, swelling in the eye stimulating the passage of blood that is imbued with essential nutrients, towards the intricate capillaries of the optic cells, tissues.

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