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Surya namaskar Benefits

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

Surya namaskar

Surya: sun

Namaskar: salutation

Surya namaskar means salutation to the sun. It is a sequence of 12 steps. It has to be performed in empty stomach.

Steps of surya namaskar:

· Pranamasana

· Ardha chakrasana

· Padahastasana

· Aswasanchalasana

· Parvatasana

· Astanga namaskara

· Bhujangasana

· Parvatasana

· Aswasanchalasana

· Padahastasana

· Ardha chakrasana

· Pranamasana

Rules and regulations for the practice:

· Should be practised in empty stomach.

· Should wear loose and light coloured clothes.

· Breathing should be regular throughout the practice

· Should not practice during menstruation

· Should be practised in a well ventilated area.

· There should be at least 3-4 hours gap after intake of food before practising.

· Can be practised during sunrise or sunset

Benefits of surya namaskar:

· Helps to lose weight.

· It provides glowing skin

· It improves the function of digestive system

· It helps in regulation of menstrual cycle

· It lowers the blood sugar level

· Increases body stamina

· Improves concentration

· Stimulates nervous system and helps to maintain cardiovascular health.

· Helps in the cure of insomnia.

· Strengthens muscles and joints.

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