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Updated: Jun 2, 2022



The immune system is a vast and organized network of cells, tissues and organs that defend the body from germs, viruses and microorganisms. It plays a vital role in keeping our body healthy by preventing infection. Such a vast system needs an elaborate and a well connected mechanism of working, and that is exactly how the immune system in our body works.

It first detects and then responds to the presence of an enemy element in the body and works through a set of systematic steps to combat it. Sometimes, the immune system tends to malfunction due to various reasons like stress, inactive lifestyle and poor eating habits. And when it does, it is not a good sign.

Our immune system is of utmost importance and plays a significant role in keeping us fit and healthy.


ü Seasonal allergies indicates imbalance in the immune system.

ü The symptoms would be stuffy nose, ears and sinuses, inflamed eyes, headaches, sore throat and difficulty in breathing, caused by the mucous producing process of the immune system. Mucous is released from the body to prevent foreign bacteria from entering it.

ü Emotional stress can also cause low immunity.

ü The thymus glands would be the focus in the asanas.

ü People with low immunity would practice asanas at a slow and gentle pace, paying a lot of attention to breathing.


Yoga is a holistic practice that strengthens our physical body, as well as the microscopic systems that are not visible to the eye. As a result, the body’s natural defence mechanisms also improve. A healthy, disease-free body can be easily achieved by adopting a healthy lifestyle, including eating unprocessed, whole foods, maintaining a regular yoga and meditation practice, getting plenty of sleep, and minimizing stressors. Yoga, and meditation are the keys to achieving our full potential. To reap the immune-boosting results of yoga, be sure to maintain a daily practice!

While a regular yoga practice, combined with a 20-minute meditation, can result in increased health. However, know that it is not a substitute for medical treatment. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained teacher. In the case of a medical condition, practice yoga postures after consulting.


In this fast moving world where one hardly gets time to take care of himself, here we bring to you a complete yoga routine that you can follow to maintain your immunity. The good news is that you can help to restore it to its previous glory by practicing restorative yoga.

Here is how yoga and immune system are interlinked. For anything to work well, balance and stability are essential. The same applies to the immune system, and when imbalance sets in, the immune system is affected. Yoga gives a holistic uplifting approach to your body and works great in reducing stress levels, a primary reason for a weak immune system. There are specific yoga poses that strengthen and supports your immune system and regularly practicing them will keep diseases at bay.


· Perform soft rhythmic jumps 50 times.

· Swing the arms forward and backward powerfully 10 times.

· Circle the shoulders front and backward 10 times.

· Twist the waist with arms open& stretched 5 times each side.

· Gently circle the knees, left and right side 5 times each.

· Circle the ankles clockwise and anti-clockwise with the front sole pressed to the ground and heel raised 5 times each.


SUKHASANA-Sitting and breathing:

How it helps:

Sukhasana is the traditional pose for meditation. It allows for optimal breathing and movement of “prana” (life force energy) throughout the body.

Allowing yourself to relax and breathe deeply can help reduce stress hormones, heart rate, and nervous system distress (which all supports strong immunity). Breathing through a U-shaped tongue for a minimum of three minutes is believed to help reduce a fever.


Spinal twists decompress and nourish the spine, but they can also help a lot with our body’s internal functions including our immune system.

How it helps:

The theory behind twists helping our immunity is that improper digestion causes toxins to build up. These nasty toxins send the body out of whack and have the potential to create infection or inflammation. Yoga poses that gently compress, twist or stimulate the stomach can help with digestive issues.

MATSYASANA VARIATION-supported fish pose:

How it helps:

Supported fish pose targets the lungs, so it can help open up and relieve congestion. It is a great yoga pose for immunity.

UTTANASANA-forward folds:

Inversions bring a wealth of benefits to mind and body. Forward fold is the perfect gentle inversion to boost immunity.

How it helps:

Inverted postures and forward bends bring prana and blood flow to the sinuses, which can help ease congestion. Sinuses and our mucous membranes are our body’s first line of defense against infection. So keeping them healthy can boost our immune system function.

VIPARITA KARANI-legs up the wall:

How it helps:

Legs up the wall is one of the most relaxing yoga poses for your whole body. It allows lymph drainage, blood circulation to even out, releases pressure from your back, and helps you feel grounded, so in turn your nervous system get completely relax and reset.

For optimal immunity, we need our nervous system to be fortified and functioning properly.

BHUJANGASANA-cobra pose:

How it helps:

Bhujangasana can help your digestive system and circulation. It opens up your heart and lungs, helping to relieve stress. It increases flexibility of your spine, elevates your mood, stimulates your core and boosts your energy.

Along with a daily practice of the above protocol:

· Make sure to drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water daily.

· Minimum 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

· Eat light, unprocessed, vegetarian food at the right time.

· Follow basic hygiene practices.

· Add ginger, turmeric, black pepper, Licorice to your daily diet.


These yoga poses offer a plethora of benefits that affect your immune system for the better directly or indirectly. A healthy immune system keeps you fit as a fiddle. Yoga will keep diseases at bay by making your immune system stronger, so, you should surely give it a shot.

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